Wednesday, February 18, 2009

'Any questions? ... Any more questions?'

As I've observed previously, no one answers questions anymore, not the politician nor the executive nor the odd baseball player. Each can parry the simplest of interrogatories with the artistry of Zorro.

But it's really not fair. They all have handlers who drill them on what to say – or not say. You and I are on our own. Herewith, then, are some talking points we can use in our daily lives:

Q Hello, how are you?
A My physical and emotional condition at any given time depends on a variety of factors.

Q What's new?
A That's a relative question.

Q What are you going to do today?
A I'm reviewing all options. Everything remains on the table.

And of course, if all else fails:

"On the advice of advisors I must decline to answer."

Finally, remember to thank your interviewer: "I welcome discussions like this and the opportunity to present my side of the issue."


You have to admit, we should thank Alex Rodriguez for distracting us from everything else, at least for a short while.

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