Friday, September 14, 2012

'Travelling with The Dog' had legs

I'm not sure which is the more striking characteristic of the internet -- its timeliness or its timelessness. We can post items for immediate reception but those items remain clicks away from then on.

About 5 years ago I posted Travelling with "The Dog," the account of a trip I took from Cleveland to Portland (OR) via Greyhound. I had written a longer piece on the experience and submitted it to Travel Outward, a website that focuses on the cultural and adventurous dimensions of travel.

I forgot about the article until recently when I learned of two comments it had received from individuals making similar trips who appreciated my perspective.

Moral: Once you put it out there it's out there. All the more reason to pause before hitting "publish."


I don't know if the speaker was Yogi Berra (he maintained, "I don't think I said half of the things I said") but whoever observed, "It's so crowded nobody goes there anymore," may have been thinking of London. There officials' warnings of Olympics crowds may have worked too well as the Games got underway, leading to a tourism bust instead of a boom.

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