Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Hidden meanings

It's always interesting when one discovers a little gem inside of the larger story. So it was this morning as I listened to a segment on NPR's Morning Edition dealing with how British school children are becoming environmentally conscious.

One proposal, for example, promotes fuel-saving social activities like walking or biking to the movies instead of travelling by car. Or selecting a vegetarian entree and eating by candlelight.

They call it carbon dating.


Hmmm, maybe we could turn an often contentious label into something more benign. Take any choice we make that helps, rather than hurts, the world in which we live.

Call it natural selection.


John Ettorre said...

Carbon dating--love it!

Mike Q said...

Yeah, and I like the way NPR's Rob Gifford made sure you wouldn't miss it. At the end of the interviewee's soundbite he said, "Did she say carbon dating?"

I think teh NPR staffers write for the ear as well as anybody on the air.

John Ettorre said...

They're just playing in their own league, Mike. No one is even in the same zip code. Where would we be without NPR?

Mike Q said...

Every so often I feel as though I should broaden my listening - but I can't stand it and come right back.

John Ettorre said...

There's really nothing else on the air these days in terms of serious news, information and ideas. We're both old enough to remember a time when that wasn't true.