Friday, September 4, 2009

Time - and progress (?) - marches on

Technology keeps enhancing our quality of life: take the new microprojector, a pocket-size gadget that can turn any wall into a 60-inch screen. Now your brother-in-law can spring his vacation footage on anybody, anywhere, anytime.

Memo to everybody who checks this blog on a regular basis (both of you): I'll be gone for a week. Later.


Brendan said...

As someone who recently used cutting edge technology to share vacation footage with my brothers-in-law, I am a little suspicious that my father-in-law would choose that particular application.

Have a great time in Europe.

John Ettorre said...

Enjoy your week, Mike.

Mike Q said...

Whattaya know? Both of you did see this post!

We're back. I've got to look at my 300 pics to see if any of them deserve any technology at all.

Thanks for your good wishes. Once again Europe appealed to me with its lifestyle on a human scale.

John Ettorre said...

Next time, do consider taking me as a luggage-hauler.