Monday, March 30, 2009

To the rescue - the digilantes

In its latest newsletter the Cleveland chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists poses a number of questions concerning the upheaval taking place in journalism. Among them: should a code of ethics be created for citizen journalists?

Society of Professional JournalistsBut who would enforce the code? We'll have to continue relying on those I call the digilantes - citizen ethicists who are quick to flag online errors and discredit those who make them.


In other words, post bad information and it'll come back to byte you.


John Ettorre said...

Well said, Mike, and very shrewd observation. But then, that's merely to be expected of a wily vet like you.

Mike Q said...

To be honest, I thought I was being original with "digilantes." I had googled it and it refers you to "vigilantes." But if you pursue the "digilantes" search it lists a number of references, beginning with the website for "an advocacy strike force" which claims a non-violent agenda yet still uses terms like "manifesto," "militia," etc. Scary.

John Ettorre said...

Well that's good to know, cause I wouldn't expect you to be caught up in anything but a nonviolent cause. Anyway, that's a funny thing about word/phrase coinage. We strive for freshness, and hope that it's beyond fresh, all the way to unique and never-before said/written. But those are awfully tough parameters, given how many humans on this planet write. I still try to take credit wherever possible for the coinage "estrofest," whenever certain kinds of women-only gatherings occur. Thus far, no one has corrected me that it was my coinage, but I'd also be shocked if it's never been used before. Come to think of it, I'm going to take a page from your playbook now and Google it.

John Ettorre said...

Okay, only 1,800 mentions of estrofest on Google. That's not too bad, all things considering. I got a kick out of learnign there's actually a Rochester-based female comedy troupe by that name: